




About Me

Hey, I'm Rishab! I am a rising sophomore at Harvard concentrating in Neuroscience. Asking existential questions about our existence brought me to neuroscience, and more specifically, to cognition. I am passionate about my research at Massachusetts General Hospital, utilizing computational methods — particularly machine learning and natural language processing — to understand one of our most fundamental cognitive abilities: language. Additionally, as I believe artificially intelligent systems will one day augment human cognitive abilities (and already are... check your pocket for an intelligence augmentation device we already use and depend on as a second brain), I am interested in AI ethics, Neuroethics, and AI safety.

Along with my research and academic pursuits, I am the Chair of the Student Board of Advisors of the International Research Olympiad, an initiative to get more students interested in research. Analytical skills and critical thinking are everso important skills in the age of AI. In my free-time, I like making YouTube videos to, across two channels, 130,000 subscribers. My YouTube journey started in the 4th grade when I made Rubik's Cube tutorials. Since then, my interests have shifted to creating resources and guides for students interested in science research, but unsure of where to get started. I love teaching and mentoring.

Publications & Conferences

Click here for my Google Scholar.

Science Research Papers:

Jain, R., Jain, A.K., Mauro, E., LeShane, K., and Densmore, D. ICOR: Improving codon optimization with recurrent neural networks. BMC Bioinformatics.

Wahid K, Olson B, Jain, R., Grossberg A, et al. Muscle and adipose tissue segmentations at the third cervical vertebral level in patients with head and neck cancer. Nature Scientific Data.

Naser M, Wahid K, Grossberg A, Olson B, Jain, R., et al. Deep learning auto-segmentation of cervical skeletal muscle for sarcopenia analysis in patients with head and neck cancer. Frontiers in Oncology.

Naser M, Wahid K, Grossberg A, Olson B, Jain, R., El-Habashy D, Dede C, Salama V, Abobakr M, Mohamed A, He R, Jaskari J, Sahlsten J, Cervical Vertebrae Skeletal Muscle Auto Segmentation for Sarcopenia Analysis Using Pre-Therapy CT in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics.

Jain, R., Gupta, A., Ali, W.H., Lermusiaux, P.F.J. GlioMod: Spatiotemporal-Aware Glioblastoma Multiforme Tumor Growth Modeling with Deep Encoder-Decoder Networks. medRxiv.

AI & Neuroethics Papers:

Ramu D., Jain R., Jain A., Generation Z's Ability to Discriminate Between AI-generated and Human-Authored Text on Discord. Arxiv.

Hirabayashi S., Jain R., Jurkovic N., Wu G. Harvard Undergraduate Survey on Generative AI. Arxiv.

Jain R., Jain A., Generative AI in Writing Research Papers: A New Type of Algorithmic Bias and Uncertainty in Scholarly Work. Intelligent Systems and Applications, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems.

Conferences & Posters:

- Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys) 2024: Amsterdam, Netherlands

- MGH Clinical Research Day, poster presentation: Boston, MA

- European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), oral presentation: Madrid, Spain

- Oregon Health & Science University Research Week, oral presentation: Portland, OR

Notable Honors

View a more comprehensive list of experiences and honors on my LinkedIn profile.

Talk about the promise of AI solutions in pancreatic cancer treatment at TEDxGateway, Mumbai, India. Audience size: 6,000+

Reacts to recognition after winning the Regeneron Young Scientist Award at the International Science & Engineering Fair.
